Locative Game Idea

Locative Zombie Game Research
How to on Locative, Mobile, Collaborative Game Development:
Game: catchbob
Wifi is used to track location of objects:"PlaceLab" or "CRAFT demon" - Wifi sniffing for Wifi Access Points

*Google Maps Mobile uses GPS when available, and then wifi access points and cell triangulation when a gps signal cannot be reached. (outdoor play)
Indoor play requires a radio map of specific buildings in play using a database of prerecorded access points with appropriate wifi signal strengths for optimal play (Empirical Model). Otherwise radio mapping uses a propagation model which uses algorithm based calculations to account for an ever changing WIFI radio map (maybe open source algorithm exists?)

*Look at open source accurate WI-FI Positioning software

-every 30s clients positions, commands, messages are broadcasted via a central server (SOAP)
SOAP: xml based protocol lets applications exchange information over HTTP.
-good for small games needing synchronization and data consistency.
Epidemic Algorithm: information is disseminated reliably in a distributed system propagating throughout a group of individuals: each process of the system chooses random peers to whom it relays the information it's received. (I'm not sure if this technique is entirely applicable to my concept.)
*Decentralized & Peer to Peer systems based on RendezVous, JXTA or Jini
JXTA or Juxtapose: background - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jxta
Morality Concern: upon logging into the application user allows their personal location to be transmitted into the server. When logged out all communication is shut off.

Past and Present Locations must be stored on Server's RAM
-Back up location storage:“Hibernate” - Object Relational Mapper (ORM)

Positioning Algorithms:
Centroid Algorithm: computes location with arithmetic mean of access points position weighted by their signal strength.
Particle Filters


Information was slightly out of date, however necessary in beginning to design game framework.